Wednesday 28 October 2009

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule

At the beginning of the course, we decided on set times on which we would meet as a group and discuss any ideas or concerns relating to our music video. Below is a scanned image of my timetable for lessons, marked with an ‘M’ are the slots we agreed upon to meet:

Initially, these meetings were used to acquire the basis of our narrative, to discuss potential locations, actors, themes and motifs et cetera. After most of these were agreed upon, however, the frequency of these meetings naturally decreased according to mutual consent due to other commitments, and now many of them have been transformed into shooting times. We would then expect most of the slots to be used for editing.

Helen and myself at Cafe Nero's during the early stages of our planning

Clearly, though, much of our shooting has taken place outside of school times, whilst some was also done during double periods of Media Studies. We have also used the half-term holiday as a chance to progress with both shooting and editing, designating two full days (Monday and Tuesday) of shooting and editing. We met at a group member’s house and did the editing there, whilst the shooting was done at previously agreed locations. These meetings outside of school times were all agreed on mutually according to when all three of us happened to be available.

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